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RIP – PO Wenjian Liu

PO Liu

The members of the New York City Police Department Emerald Society Pipes and Drums wish to offer their heartfelt condolences to the families of Police Officer Wenjian Liu and Police Officer Rafael Ramos who were shot and killed from ambush while sitting in their patrol car at the intersection of Myrtle Avenue and Thompkins Avenue in Bedford-Stuyvesant.

Both officers were participating in an anti-terrorism drill when a subject walked up to their patrol car and opened fire with a handgun, striking them both in the head and upper body multiple times. Other officers immediately pursued the the subject into a nearby subway station where the man committed suicide.

The subject was a gang member from Baltimore, Maryland, who had traveled to New York City specifically to ambush police officers. The man had published his intentions on social media prior to the shooting.

Officer Liu had served with the New York City Police Department for 7-1/2 years and was assigned to the 84th Precinct. He is survived by his wife of two months.

Officer Liu was promoted to detective posthumously.

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