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The Pipes & Drums of the Emerald Society of the New York City Police Department is comprised of the Irish born; the sons and grandsons and great grandsons of Irish warriors who came to this country and found a better life. Only active and retired police officers are afforded the privilege. The members work in Narcotics, Harbor, Emergency Service, the Detective Bureau as well as other assignments that comprise the NYPD. They serve proudly as cops, detectives, and officers.

Elected Positions

Lt. Dan O’Grady



Lt. Matt Murphy

Assistant Bandmaster

Sgt. Tim Adrat



Sgt. John M. Sullivan

Financial Secretary


Det. Christopher Ward

Recording Secretary

Appointed Positions

P.O. Daniel O’Connell

Pipe Major

Det. Kevin McCarthy

Drum Major


Pipe Section

Sgt. Tim Adrat

Det. John Barna

Ptl. Jeff Baynon

Sgt. Denis Boorman

Sgt. Timmy Breen

P.O. Mike Brennan Jr.

Lt. Joe Carroll

Det. John Cassidy

Det. Chris Chiaramonte

Sgt. Rob Conroy

D.I. Robert Conwell

Sgt. Brian Coughlan

Lt. Mark Crawford

P.O. Steve Crockett

Sgt. Bernie Cummings

Ptl. Rich Devlin

P.O. Vincent Dionisi

Det. Will Donohue

P.O. Tom DuBois

P.O. William Farley

Det. Andy Finn

Lt. Sean Flanagan

D.C. Matt Galvin

Capt. Tim Galvin

Sgt. Bob Ganley

D.I. Rob Gault

P.O. Pat Giblin

Det. Billy Green

Lt. Kevin Harford

Lt. Pat Heraghty

Det. Dom Jannetti

Sgt. Kevin Keller

D.I. Tom Kelly

P.O. Joe Klan

Det. Mike Klippel

Sgt. Dennis Linehan

P.O. Kevin Long

P.O. Jay Malone

Det. Jonathan McAuley

Det. Michael McBride

Det. Kevin McCarthy

Det. Patrick McClintock

Ptl. Mike McCormick

Det. Matthew McCrosson

Det. Billy McDonald

Det. Kevin McDonough

Sgt. Andy McEvoy

Det. Patrick McGee

Lt. Kevin McGeever

Lt. Jack McGovern

P.O. Tom McGuinness

Lt. Gene McNamara

Det. Jake McNicholas

Det. Ed McPhillips

Sgt. Brian Meagher

Dir. Brian Meagher Jr.

Det. Joe Mertens

Det. John Monahan

P.O. Jim Murphy

P.O. Paul Newman

Lt. Dave Nisthaus

Sgt. Tom Nolan

Sgt. Dan Noonan

Det. Joe O’Carroll

P.O. Dan O’Connell

Det. Patrick O’Connor

Lt. Dan O’Grady

P.O. Fred O’Modie

Det. John O’Hagan

Capt. Dan Osipowich

Lt. Jim O’Sullivan

Sgt. Mike Paul

Sgt. Sean Rafferty

Sgt. Ken Reiman

Det. Mike Rigney

S.A. Steve Rogers

Sgt. Keith Rossiter

Capt. John Sanford

P.O. Danny Servino

Lt. Dave Smith

Det. John Smyth

Det. Dan Sprague

D.I. Greg Stewart

P.O. Christopher Stone

P.O. Sean Strongreen

Det. John Sullivan

Sgt. John M Sullivan

Sgt. John Tansey Sr.

Det. John Tansey Jr.

Det. Mike Tansey

Capt. Thomas Traynor

Det. Christopher Ward

Det. Brian Wood

Lt. Chris Zaleski

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Drum Section

Sgt. Pete Clancy

Capt. Dan Collins

Det. Kevin Connors

P.O. Dan Costa

Det. Jim Coughlan

Det. Bill Donohue

Det. Ray Duffy

Det. Brendan Finn

Sgt. Ken Finn

Sgt. Kevin Fitzgerald

Det. Mike Fitzsimons

Det. Tom Kilcoyne

Sgt. Chris Green

Sgt. Tim Horohoe

Det. Mike Keenan

Det. John Kenny

Det. Ray Lind

P.O. Kevin Maloney

Det. Gavin Matranga

Lt. James McKeever

Det. Sean McTighe

PO Daniel McGrath

PO Matthew McGrath

Det. Brian Meichsner

Lt. Matt Murphy
Det. Jimmy O’Connor
Sgt. Steve Papp
Det. Pete Quinn
Lt. Tom Rooney
Sgt. Jack Rossiter
Sgt. Tom Rossiter
Det. Sean Scanlan
Ptl. Mike Stapleton

Sgt. Richard Wall
PO Patrick Ward

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Color Guard

Ptl. Ed Bradley

Sgt. John Holihan

Ptl. Tom Holihan
Det. John Kelly

Lt. Billy O’Sullivan

PO Pat Timoney

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Former Members

Ptl. George Ambrose - Drummer
Lt. Eamon Blake - Piper
Det Robert Bisbee - Drummer
Sgt Kevin Brady - Piper
Det Thomas Brancella - Piper
PO Jimmy Brennan - Piper

Ptl. Mike Brennan Sr. - Piper
Det Frank Bruno - Color Guard
Ptl Robert Buckridge - Drummer
PO Paul Burke - Drummer
Ptl Harold Calmbacher - Drummer
PO Robert Coffey - Piper
Sgt Joseph Collins - Piper
Ptl Douglas E Connell - Drummer
Det Daniel Conry - Drummer
Lt. Robert Corcoran - Piper
Det. John Coughlin - Piper
Sgt. Freddie Crockett - Piper
PO Jimmy Cronin - Drummer
Lt. Kathleen Cronin - Piper
PO Artie Damm - Piper
Lt. Bill Davitt - Piper
Det. Dan Danaher- Piper/Bandmaster
Sgt. Finbar Devine - Drum Major
PO John Donato - Color Guard
PO Stephen Driscoll - Color Guard
Ptl Richard Dyer - Drummer
Polw Elizabeth Elliot Mescall - Piper
Lt. John Fahey - Drummer
Lt. Robert Farren- Piper
Sgt. Michael Fedele - Piper
Sgt P.J. Ferguson - Drummer

Ptl Michael Flaherty - Piper/Pipe Major

Ptl Michael Foley - Drummer
Det Donald Gaffney - Piper
Lt. James Gill - Piper
Det Brendan Glynn - Piper
Ptl Frank Glynn - Piper
Capt John Gorman - Piper
Polw Helen Grant Nellie - Piper
Det William Halley - Piper

Sgt. Billy Hargrove - Piper
Insp Michael Healy - Piper
Lt James Henry - Piper
Sgt James Hines - Piper
Det Paul Hipple - Drummer
Capt. Bob Hogan - Piper/Pipe Major
Det Don Hurley - Drummer
Ptl. Don James - Drummer
Ptl Billy Johnson - Piper
Lt. Arthur Hall - Drummer
PO John Kelly - Piper
PO Edward Larkin - Piper
Civ Craig Leitch - Color Guard
PO Jack Leonard - Drummer
Lt. Jay Levey - Drummer
Det. John Lonergan - Piper
Ptl Edward Maloney - Piper
Civ Ed McKenna - Piping Instructor
PO William Maye - Piper
PO Pete McAnuff - Piper
Sgt. Jack McCarthy - Piper
Capt. Thomas McCarthy - Piper
Ptl. Raymond McConville - Drummer
Ptl Michael McCrory - Drummer

PO Dennis McMahon - Piper

Civ Colin Meagher - Piper

Civ Donald Meagher - Drummer

PO Justin Meagher - Drummer

Civ Kenny Meagher - Piper

Ptl Kevin P. Meagher - Piper
Insp Pearse P. Meagher - Piper
Ptl Thomas F. Meagher - Piper
Capt. Ed Minogue - Piper/Pipe Major

Det Don Mosher - Drummer
Ptl Joseph Mullane - Piper
PO Tom Murray - Piper
PO Richard Newman - Piper
PO Vincent Newman - Piper
Sgt Ed Nugent - Drummer
PO Eamon Nugent - Piper
PO Patrick O’Connor Sr - Color Guard
Det Patrick O’Connell - Piper
Ptl William Owens - Piper
PO Patty O’Sullivan - Drummer
Det Jerry Pugh - Drummer
Ptl Barney Quinn - Piper/Bandmaster
Det John Quinn - Piper
DI Peter Quinn Sr - Piper
Det. Mike Reedy - Drum Sgt.
Ptl James Reilly - Drummer
Det Joseph Reilly - Drummer
Polw Kaye Robinson - Drummer
Lt Lawrence Savage - Color Guard
Sgt. James Stewart - Piper
Det Thomas Sullivan - Piper/Pipe Major
Ptl Phil Thompson - Piper Sgt./Pipe Major
PO Julio Torres - Piper
Det Robert Treston - Drummer
Ptl Donald Waugh - Drummer
Ptl Thomas Wellington - Drummer


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